Monday 28 March 2016

Business Cards Sharing Tips

Your business card is a representation of not just your business, but also of you as well. Therefore, how you share your business cards is important. Using them wisely could mean great things; using them unwisely can actually harm your business. Use best promotional notepads and custom printing services for your business cards.

Here are three tips for sharing business cards in a way that generates positive results:

1. Be Selective. Do not try to hand out business cards to anyone and everyone. People who are not immediately in need of your products or services will find it rude and pushy if you shove a card at them. Only share your cards when someone expresses an interest in what you do.

2. Keep Them Clean. Do not write notes on your cards or correct information by crossing out and over-writing; both practices are viewed as terribly unprofessional. Instead, keep your business cards clean and crisp at all times.

3. Avoid the Sales Pitch. When you do share a business card, keep your verbal remarks brief. Launching into a sales pitch will only put your potential new customer on edge, making your card a negative thing. Instead, be polite and smile. Offer just a few words about yourself and your business.

This article originally published at Claroprint - Printed sticky notes Blog here

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